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Psychotherapy (KAP) Services



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How to begin your KAP Journey
at Widening Circles


At Widening Circles, safety is of paramount importance:


  • All patients new to Widening Circles must start with an initial assessment, which includes a medical evaluation, a mental health evaluation, and preparation for your journey.

  • Ketamine may not be safe for everyone; both medical and mental health assessments are required to determine its suitability for each patient's healing journey. Any concerns about the safety or indication of therapeutic ketamine will be addressed, and if deemed unsafe or not indicated, a medicine session will not be scheduled.


***Current patients of Widening Circles who have already had a medical and mental health evaluation within the past year do not need an additional evaluation and may schedule a follow-up KAP session according to their current plan or may purchase a new journey plan.



graphic of a cypress leaf
  • Our most highly individualized journey

  • BOTH prescriber + therapist are present during your 2-hour medicine journey

  • Includes 1-hour individual integration session

graphic of a juniper leaf with berries
  • Our most popular individualized journey

  • Therapist is present and a medical provider is on-site during your 2-hour journey

  • Includes 1-hour individual integration session

graphic of a cedar leaf and branch
  • This is our group option

  • BOTH prescriber + therapist(s) are present for your 3-hour group journey

  • Includes 90-minute group integration session


STEP two: Schedule a single KAP Journey

Once you have completed both your mental health and medical evaluations, and you and your team have determined that ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is appropriate for you, you may then schedule your first KAP journey.  Please see chart below for treatment options.   


*Please note that our team may recommend against your first experience with ketamine being in a group setting.



​Ongoing research suggests an average of 6 ketamine medicine sessions for optimal improvement, though the required number of ketamine sessions varies for each individual. This may be influenced by factors such as the severity of depression, response to treatment, and tolerance. You may choose to pay for single journey as you go, or opt for a series. Choosing a KAP Series provides a 10% savings compared to paying for each journey individually. 

***3 hour ketamine medicine journeys can be scheduled upon request.  Please discuss with your treatment team.

referral process

Prospective Patients: If you are interested in Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, please complete our KAP Inquiry Form. Submitting this confidential form does not constitute a provider/patient relationship. 


Healthcare Providers: If you'd like to refer a patient for to Widening Circles for Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, please fill out our confidential, electronic Widening Circles Healthcare Provider KAP Referral Form and we will be in touch with your patient.


Group ketamine medicine sessions are held on Monday mornings and on Wednesday afternoons.  Enrollment is required at least 24 hours prior to the start of the group.  Groups are closed at a maximum of 8 participants.  

Monday 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon (ketamine session)

Tuesday 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM (integration)


Last updated  8 April 2024

© 2024 Widening Circles

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